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Frequently Asked Questions

SacsiN AB is a Swedish registered company with a growing group of representatives from authorities, diverse industries and services organisations with funding from the Swedish Government “Sweden’s Innovation Agency” and by Global companies involved in SacsiN. Any budget surplus or profits will, by controlling statutes, be 100% re-invested in the SacsiN methodology.

No, the role of the SacsiN methodology is to provide a digital methodology for exchanging sustainability and compliance information between buyers and sellers.

No, Companies log-in to SacsiN on-line, to ask questions and get answers in their supplier network. Large companies may want to interface with SacsiN to get access to the SacsiN methodology and constantly get SacsiN updates while developing their own proprietary system and information exchange portal.

Generally, standards for exchanging Sustainability and Compliance information is industry and country specific, such as within car- and clothing industries or country or region specific. SacsiN is completely industry and country independent. This in turn means that SacsiN may provide traceability through the Tiers of many industries and measure i.e., CO2 emission for each unique product.

By making the information exchange digital and standardized, administration costs will be reduced, higher level of automation achieved and higher data quality with reduced number of errors to be corrected.

When you work with standardised, digitalised and re-used data in a unified way it's saving companies a huge amount of time, effort and costs which results in an increased profit margin. In many companies, it is about 10% of the profit margin that can be gained if they ease the administrative burden of exchanging this information manually between companies. The potential of standardization and digitization is enormous.