SacsiN was initiated in 2019 in response to a common problem; the lack of an industry and
country independent digital standardized methodology within the supplier network to
exchange information between buyer and seller related to sustainability, traceability and compliance.
Today SacsiN AB is a Swedish registered company with a growing group of representatives from authorities, diverse industries and services organizations.
SacsiN is creating the world's only industry independent methodology that works in any geography, in any language to make certain that correct sustainability and compliance information is exchanged between buyers and sellers throughout the supplier network.
The SacsiN aim is that any company, without an ever increasing administrative burden, shall be able to make sustainable and safe procurement decisions, based on facts, instead of assumptions and guess work.
The possibility to trace all parts of your final product
through all supplier tiers, to reach all the way "down
to the mine". Moreover, such information may be
shared with your end-customer.
SacsiN enables transparency in the supply chain because the data comes from the right source and in the correct format. Suppliers who are using SacsiN to respond to requests will create winning proposals as the buyer will clearly understand the offer.
When the right data comes from the right source and the right format, it creates trust in the information quality. The ability to provide the end-customer with detailed information of sustainability, compliance and traceability is an important part of the buying decision.
When you work with digitalized data in a unified
way it's saving companies huge amount of time,
effort and costs. SacsiN gives the opportunity to
act on new laws and regulations before complex
systems and updated.
Through additional financing, the SacsiN methodology will be launched earlier! The administrative costs for companies and authorities within this field are increasing significantly; also, short-term. The sooner SacsiN is launched the faster you will benefit its savings and increased data quality. Any budget surplus or profit will be reinvested in the SacsiN methodology.
The number of SacsiN members is growing, also during its development phase, until the SacsiN methodology is in production and spread in the world's various supplier networks. The level of involvement is up to each member but creates the possibility to have an impact on how the SacsiN methodology will be developed and when it is finalized and ready for launch. Our membership levels are: Leading member, funding member, active member and supporting member or a combination there of.