Exchange industry independent sustainability and compliance information within all critical tiers of your supplier network.
The SacsiN Portal is now available as a demo application in order to provide Buyers and Suppliers with the look and feel of the new way of collaborating.
SacsiN DemoWhen you work with standardized, digitalised and re-used data in a unified way it's saving companies huge amount of time, effort and costs which results in an increased profit margin. In many companies, it is about 10% of the profit margin that they can gain if they ease the administrative burden of exchanging this information between companies. The potential of standardization and digitization is enormous.
SacsiN gives the opportunity to immediately act on new laws and regulations before complex systems are updated. SacsiN will enable suppliers to provide correct data, in a format understood by any buyer. This creates trustworthiness among both buyers and consumers which leads to repeated business. Data quality and clarity will also increase trust.
The possibility to trace all parts of your final product through all supplier tiers, to reach all the way “down to the mine”. Moreover, such information may be shared with your end-customer.
With SacsiN you can collect and measure end-to-end CO2 emissions on a product level i.e. get the correct customs duty for your export market instead of high flat rate lump-sum fees.
Legal requirements are met with correct information to enable CSR reporting. To correctly present the amount of dangerous content in products will be advantageous to competing products.
A question from any buyer is answered once; the answer is then automatically reused for your higher tier sub-suppliers by linking their answers to your product instead of manually transferring the information from one .pdf form to another.
A Selection of Our Project Investors and Members
The SacsiN Members come from a broad range of Global industries and authorities such as
Consumer Products, Industry Chemicals, Automotive & Transportation, Heavy Equipment, Industrial Manufacturing,
Business & Banking and International trade authorities.